description: "ADHD, which affects people of all ages and genders and affects 5.2% of the world."
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  May 26, 2023

ADHD Meaning and Symptoms

alt="This is an image of a woman experiencing confusion due to ADHD symptoms."
title="Women suffering from ADHD in adult" 
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  Image by<a href="<>"> freepik</a>

According to the WHO$^{(1)}$(World Health Organization), ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder impacting approximately 5.2% (400 million people) globally. While predominantly linked to children, it can affect adults of any age as well. In this article, we will explore the meaning of ADHD, its symptoms, and some of the unique practical challenges faced by adults with ADHD.

ADHD encompasses three primary characteristics. The common symptoms associated with each are as follows:

<aside> ☑️ Attention deficits

<aside> ☑️ Hyperactivity

<aside> ☑️ Impulsivity

If you suspect that you may have ADHD, seeking professional diagnosis is strongly recommended. Effective approaches for managing symptoms include medication as well as behavioral and cognitive therapies. These interventions can greatly contribute to symptom improvement.

Distinctive Features of Adult ADHD

Recent estimates suggest that 60-80% of individuals diagnosed with ADHD as children continue to experience symptoms into adulthood. Interestingly, the rate of adult ADHD diagnoses is increasing at a faster pace compared to childhood ADHD diagnoses in the United States. Unfortunately, adult ADHD often goes undiagnosed, leaving many individuals unaware that they have it. Instead, they may simply recognize it as a difficulty they face in managing interpersonal relationships and tasks.

ADHD in Adult may manifest with the following symptoms:

<aside> ☑️ ADHD in Adults Symptoms

Reference & Source